Careful Breast Scanning
Ultrasound of the breast is an imaging technique in which sound waves are utilized to get a picture of the inside structures of the breast. It can provide information for diagnosing and monitoring breast conditions. It allows the sonographer to examine areas of the breast closely. Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive, and painless procedure. It does not use any radiation.
It more accurately detects abnormalities that don’t show up on a mammogram. It detects a breast lump and differentiates it as a lumpy fluid-filled breast cyst or a solid mass that may be cancerous.
First, you lie down on your back, and the sonographer applies a gel to your breasts and the transducer. The transducer is then moved over the breast and surrounding tissues. High-frequency sound waves from the transducer take pictures of tissues and structures inside the breast. These pictures are used for diagnosis purposes.
Make the following preparations before this ultrasound test.
After the scan, a radiologist will interpret your report and send a signed report to your doctor. Then, your doctor will share the results and recommend a treatment plan.
At Lincs Health, we provide the best ultrasound of the breast. We have an expert team of doctors and technicians who do their work responsibly and take complete care of the patient. Trust us and visit us for these services.
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